
March 22, 2011
by Robin

Task-Tackling Trip!

I’m going to St. Louis tomorrow for a few days of hard-core wedding to-do list shortening with my mother-in-law Viki. So get ready for some very special installations of HitchDied where we will discover… WILL I be able to get … Continue reading

January 10, 2011
by Robin

Remembering Grammy

I’ve been staring at a blank post field for fifteen minutes.  My grandmother died yesterday.  And for once, I find myself at a loss for words. I will say this:  losing family does not get any easier with practice.

December 13, 2010
by Robin
1 Comment

Season’s Greetings!

Lizzie and Isaiah’s new site Love Your Way is awesome, and is host to a fabulous series on how couples spend the holidays: ChristmaHanaKwanzika. Today you can read my contribution to the series: A Very HitchDied Christmas!