


We’re back! Hear all about our last week in the US and our first week back in Cape Town! And, you know, super on-topic discussion of ugly people and Collin’s eyeballs.

00:00 Intro
00:22 Explanation of our absence last week
01:05 We took a family field trip to Springfield Illinois to go to the Lincoln Museum and the Lincoln House
02:27 My favorite place in the Lincoln museum is the room about Mary Lincoln’s “social rivals.” I want this for the museum about me.

04:03 Collin and I go through Round 39 of the fight over Robin not knowing what color his eyes are. BUT IT IS HARD. HERE IS PROOF:

05:08 Check out my piece on Bitch Flicks about the film Lincoln.
05:18 We are not exaggerating.

06:38 Fun with Matt and Carrie.

07:00 How Drunk Collin came to call Envy “Wendell.”
07:50 We’re much less jet lagged this time around!
09:40 Collin’s old boss was in town
10:07 And I finally met Collin’s current boss at a dinner party
11:09 Saturday was lost to waiting for the Telkom guy, but we filled the time with ten or so episodes of season 1 of Alias.
11:49 Happy Hanukkah!
12:10 Visit to the Allee Bleue wine farm for a tasting and lunch.

15:37 Surprise peacocks!

16:30 I’ve been going through Internet Friendship withdrawl so be on Twitter and Gchat, people!
16:51 Signoff
17:07 Extra bit!


  1. That petroleum line is oft quoted in my household. OFT.

  2. And what a wonderful trip it was!!!!!! All of it!!!!!!! Every single moment you were here was appreciated and filled our hearts with joy!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved your podcast!!!! Sounds like your return home was very nice also!!!! We adore adore you both!!!! Love you both to pieces!!!!!! Life is good …. Thank you

  3. Pingback: HitchDieds in Cape Town Podcast Episode 35 | HitchDied

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