
Big Pimpin’


1. You know I’m writing weekly posts on The Broke-Ass Bride, right? Well, you should be reading my posts (there’s a new one up today, and every Sunday), and everything else on that site, because it is SOLID INTERNET GOLD.

2. I hardly ever enter blog giveaways, because I don’t want to reduce the chances of someone who wants the prize more than me from winning.  But every now and then I really want the prize, so I throw my hat in the ring. So when I saw that Souris Mariage was running a giveaway for one of Deeds and Petunia‘s amazing birdcage veils, I knew I had to try for it.

And I WON!  I am so excited that I get an absolutely gorgeous veil, FOR FREE!  Thanks again to Mouse and Deeds and Petunia for the giveaway.

3. If you don’t know me in Real Life, but are curious what my voice sounds like, you can find out by listening to The Power Hour Podcast.  Brought to you by Sean G. Donaldson, future musician at the HitchDied wedding, current renaissance man of the Pittsburgh music scene.  You’ll hear the story of how I met Collin!

4. Here we go Steelers! As the Steelers take on the Jets in the AFC title game, please enjoy “Steel Defense,” vocals by Addi Twigg and In Acchord, production by Sean G. Donaldson (see what I mean?), raison d’tre by the undeniable Pittsburgh Steelers.


  1. Thanks for the publicity on the song! Also, I cannot WAIT to see you in that veil. Gagagorgeous (see what I did there?!). <3

  2. I was thrilled to see that you’d won it! When I saw the post at Souris Marriage in my reader, it started with “Congratulations to hitchdied…” and for a second I was like oh man did they elope?!?? but the I read the subject again. Anyway, as I wrote in a comment there, pleez post pix.

  3. woo! so glad you won! I will definitely be checking out your bob posts and podcast too. also in a steelers related story: my husband is a tutor and the boy he tutors on sunday was asking him about the game and he said ‘who do you think will win?’ and ryan said ‘the steelers’ and the boy’s younger brother started taunting him yelling ‘ha ha marcelius! you are the ONLY ONE who thinks the jets will win! ha ha ha! even ryan knows the steelers will win!”. the best part is his younger brother is like 5 years old.

  4. congratulations on winning your veil! it’s beautiful :)

  5. congrats on the veil – number one.
    your posts on broke-ass bride are my favorite, aweeesome job(s?), lady.

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