
HitchDieds in Cape Town Podcast Episode 8


We initially tried recording this podcast in our car, which worked about as well as you’d imagine.  We respect our listeners too much to subject them to 15 minutes of air wooshes and the pitiable sounds of our pimpin’ 1997 Toyota Corolla struggling to get up to speed on the N2, so we rerecorded.

Unfortunately, we don’t respect our listeners enough to have a good time to re-record other than right before Collin left for work this morning.  Which means you get the first AM edition of the HitchDieds in Cape Town Podcast, and abundant evidence of why neither of us will ever be hosts of The Today Show.

Here’s the breakdown of our yawniest, most-subdued episode yet:

00.00 Mysterious absence of an intro
00:17 Collin wakes me up
00:46 Introduction to Robin’s Morning Man Voice
01:13 Extremely disappointing wine tasting at Asara Wine Estate
03:47 Jack Nicholson is very manly

04:19 The one thing to recommend Asara: lovely grounds

05:00 Super crowded hipster bar The Power & The Glory
05:40 Collin and I debate the details of the plot of The Lion King
06:25 We’re really homesick
08:00 Collin, juxtaposition means pretty much the opposite of what you think it means.
09:01 Shoutout to our favorite non-blood-related listener
10:26 Sign-off
10:54 EXTRA BIT: Shoutout redux, including ample demonstration of why we needed to re-record the would-be “mobile episode.”

Next week we’ll return to our regular posting schedule and energy level! Pinkie promise!




  1. I love Andrew for listening to y children

  2. Awwww, well he is not the only Twigg who listens faithfully! He’s just the only one who comments every time. I get the message. I’LL TRY TO LIVE UP TO MY OLDER BROTHER, GAWWWWD.

    Seriously though, isn’t he the best?

    This episode made me sad. Partly because you sound tired and partly because you talk sincerely about missing home. We miss you, too!


  3. That is a very manly Jack Nicholson! But you’d need to be when you’re a character named Billy “Badass” Buddusky (The Last Detail – 1973).

    I agree with Addi that you sound very sincerely homesick, and it’s sad. I worry about how homesick I’m going to be when I move 5000+ miles in the fall…. not sure if the homesickness would be better or worse since there won’t be a definite coming back to the States time.

    The grounds of Asara ARE lovely, but the loveliness and Jack Nicholson can’t make up for lame wine. Maybe you’ll just have to go back to Stellenbosch and try more places ;)

  4. That was supposed to say MY children!!!!! I hardly miss you guys at all because I feel like we talk and email more now than ever!!!!!!! ……. And then I think of squishing each of you and I miss that terribly….. And then I think of visiting you in South Africa and I get so excited I am so happy that you are there…. And then I think about hopping on a plane to visit for the weekend and how I can’t do that and I miss you…… And then I think of your work Collin and I am so happy that you are there……..and i think of your cool apartment and how I want to see it and I miss you both terribly….. And then I think how it is only for two years and …….. I just go back and forth in my thoughts over and over… I miss you two so much but so happy you are there for a short time………….AND we WILL see you in December!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!! Yay!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!

  5. Gosh this is awkward.
    I found this blog last year when I was planning my wedding. I got married in November and have stopped reading wedding blogs, but this is one of two blogs that I continue to subscribe to.

    Can I just say that I enjoy your podcasts? Is that creepy? Maybe… but, in any case, I never really comment on blogs but wanted you to know that I may not rush to listen to your podcasts, but when I get a free evening (like a Wednesday when the Olympics are boring), I will catch up on several episodes at once just to see what the HitchDieds are doing. I’ve listened to this one and now I think there is one more. Good luck and thank you for sharing your journey with the rest of us!

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