
HitchDieds in Cape Town Podcast Episode 29


00:00 Intro
00:22 This is Collin’s “Golden episode”, whatever that means
00:50 No one likes sad podcasts, so we didn’t record last week
02:00 Collin and Jenn went shark cage diving
03:10 Collin doesn’t get my reference (Song starts at 2:18)

05:43 Collin bought a new painting
06:30 The truth about art on the Titanic
08:00 I tell Collin to keep things light
08:25 And then Collin immediately takes things to a dark place
09:10 The holiday season feels different when it happens in the summertime
10:12 We had a chill NYE at home
12:03 My abs are stronger than Collin’s abs, but his everything else is stronger than my everything else.
14:01 We talk a little bit about Silver Linings Playbook
14:53 Happy birthday, Viki!
15:38 Obvious jokes about my dead parents are avoided
16:38 Outro
16:58 Extra bit



    I listen every week too.

  2. Oh thank you! thank you For the wonderful birth day wishes on your pod cast!!! I feel like a movie star!!!!! You are both so dear!!! It is so easy to be so enthusiastic if you are blessed with such awesome children like you two!!!! I swear Collin I was going to tell you that I thought your painting looked very Picasso influenced from his blue period! I am so frikin impressed that you know about him and those paintings! And Robbie…. Wowie!!! Sooo impressed with such strong abs!!! Woo! Woooooo! For you girl!!!! We saw Silver Linings and we loved it!!!! I did think about it the next day…. Made a few sand castles…..no big deal. I love my birth day gift!!!!! Thank you!!!! I can type like a really bad secretary now!!! I used to type just really bad period. I loooooove this!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a zillion!!!! Tight hugs and squishy kisses !!!!

  3. TWIGGS REPRESENTIN’ Y’ALL. Also, happy birthday Viki!

    • Thank you Addi! It was a wonderful one! I LOVE being 58 years old!!!!! ( especially because I get to be 58 in Africa!!!!! A total dream come true!!!!!!!)

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