
HitchDieds in Cape Town Podcast Episode 12


00:00 Intro
00:35 Collin has a hacking cough. BETTER GET USED TO IT.
02:00 My return to South Africa didn’t cure him.
02:30 Celebrating Collin’s birthday
03:38 For once, I was able to buy Collin a surprise present and get a pleasant reaction out of him.
04:09 Collin makes an unforgivable “Kraken” pun.
04:50 Collin teases me about being bad at understanding 24-hour time.
05:45 The bizarre way I pronounce DVD
05:58 Collin contributed to a study of feminist men.
07:41 Smoking cuban cigars!
08:25 Popping in the link to my review of The Expendables 2 on BitchFlicks.
08:44 We like being able to give a “bad” tip when we get bad service in a restaurant here without having to feel guilty about it.
09:32 Bummer news for Robin.
10:12 Extensive discussion of Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s season 5 episode “The Body.” Warning for spoilers and sadness!
14:00 Sign-off
14:42 EXTRA BIT!


  1. You are very super SOUP! mk!

    Hearts and kisses,


  2. pretty hysterical you guys !!!!!! but Collin……never ever ever EVER NEVER ever never never EVER talk about thinking that you have TB when you KNOW that your mother is listening to your pod casts and then…… THEN never ever ever EVER talk about smoking cigars with a terrible cough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD……so I am thinking, do I have to get on the next plane to South Africa to help take care of my ill son…….and then i think “HEY, that’s Robins job now” although I am a Jewish mother so my job NEVER ever ever NEVER ends as your mommy ….so please Collin….will you please go to the doctor?

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