
Hi, I’m Robin. Will You Be my Friend?


I’m going to New York this weekend, in no small part so I can be at the Brooklyn stop on the A Practical Wedding book tour.  I’ve had to miss several other chances to meet all the intensely cool people who have come into my internet circle of friends, so I’m really hoping that the mid-Atlantic contingent of the Nosy Bitches make a strong showing at Meg’s Brooklyn Book Talk.

I’m also hoping that I recognize any of you.  As Liz pointed out, it can be hard to connect a tiny little Twitter avatar to a real live human face.

So in the interest of helping all of YOU recognize ME, here’s my first-ever video blog, or vlog, as they were known in 2009. It is cleverly titled “This is what I look like.”

Please leave me a comment if you’re going to be at the Brooklyn book talk, so I know to look out for you! Can’t wait!


  1. This really makes me wish I was going to the New York book club! The Boston one was fun and people were super nice and a couple even came up to me and were all, “Bird!” Actually, they came up to me and my wife and were all, “Bird and Turtle!” and she felt really awkward and was like, “That’s not my name.” Funny story. But it’ll be great, don’t worry!

    Also, do you live in NYC? I’m compiling a list of people to see/meet the next time I’m there… :)

  2. I wish I could see you

  3. This is adorable, and a great idea, and if I was going to be there, I’d totally walk up to you and say “Hi Robin Hitchdied!” because now you seem so approachable :) Hope you have a great time!

  4. You are the cutest EVER! I love this idea and just might steal it for an upcoming conference :-)

  5. I’ll be there! Can’t wait to meet you!

    (And, just so you know, depending on the day, I look a little like this: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-f_p-1SCTT84/Tn4QrMj4MxI/AAAAAAAABCQ/gpd7eJfm2Jw/s1600/Pictures+of+Me.jpg)

  6. Haaaah.

    This is priceless.

    And so true. Totally happened the first time I met some of the nosy bitches—I only recognized Zan. Probably because she posts videos. And no one recognized me, probably because my gravatar is a statue.

    This is the part where I should share a picture, but it seems all the ones on my blog are either too flattering or too silly to be helpful. But here, this is pretty close, though ideally I won’t be this stressed out: http://lh6.ggpht.com/-rIJCxk4JyiQ/TvSyjQVok4I/AAAAAAAABqY/EVgbs9jk1Pc/s1600-h/DSC_066912.jpg

    Anyway, don’t know when you’re getting there, but it’s likely I’ll be holed up at B&N or some other coffee shop very early because I have to be in the neighborhood for a work thing in the AM. I can email my # if you’d like.

    Excited to meet you!

  7. Ha! This vlog made me wish I was going to Brooklyn just so I could meet you. But, I think you’re in Pittsburgh (?), so if I wanted to be all creeper-like, I could just try to meet you the next time I’m up there visiting my bestie.

  8. You are too cute. I want to go and meet you! And the other #nosybitches.

  9. Guess what, I just moved some things around and ordered my train tickets and I will be there as well! In real life I mostly look like this: http://marylandmel.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/301390_809927616553_15200783_37805468_1341289274_n.jpg Hopefully minus the red face!

  10. I would recognize you anywhere, Robin. However, the anywhere I’m going to be does not include the Brooklyn meetup. CURSES!

    Watching all the excited Brooklyn meeting planning going on in my Twitter feed today has made me realize that we could totally divide ourselves up between east and west and then do ferocious rap battles regarding one side’s supremacy over the other. But I wouldn’t really believe that… I think at heart I’m just sad because I realize how hard it will be to ever get out east and see all you folks. Why must our coasts be so far from one another?

    Also, I think you’re really suited to the vlog format. I can’t do it. My face is too… facey. And my voice is too voicey. T’would be a travesty.

  11. I’ll be there (hopefully in time to get intros out of the way outside the book store!) and look forward to meeting you!

  12. Oh Robin, you are so adorable. Now I really wish I was able to go to the New York meet-up, even more than I did before. And that was a lot.

  13. Oh man! I was wandering around on the way to Prospect Park two weeks ago (this is a feat in itself, since I currently reside in Australia) and I actually walked past the B & N there, saw Meg’s face on a poster in the window, and yelled, “STOP!” to J so I could stand there, stroke the glass, and feel sorry for myself that I booked a honeymoon two weeks to early to meet all you guys.


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