
Weddings are Distracting


I am so bummed that I have been completely immersed in wedding to the point of barely getting any excitement out of the Women’s World Cup. I don’t really care for soccer, but I love sporting events that we can pretend are actually BATTLES OF THE NATIONS.  War is so sad with all its death and destruction and atrocities against humankind.  The worst thing that happens in sports is busted knees and your occasional fan riot, but all the same it is a great excuse to be completely over-the-top patriotic, which is pretty much my favorite thing to do in the world.

And the Women’s World Cup is an even better excuse to do this because it is full of WOMEN!  Women as badass athletes and sports heroes!  It rarely gets better than this.


And I have missed it all as I decorate take-out boxes and try to figure out what kind of bag we should put the beaker Collin is going to stomp on in and bake cookies and try to get all of the crap we need to haul to the wedding in one place.  What. A. Bummer.

And now I can’t even figure out if we’ll be able to watch the final on our honeymoon [EDIT: The final is Sunday! I will not be on my honeymoon yet! USA! USA!], because neither of us remember which day we are going to the Grand Canyon and although I assume we will sort that out eventually will I ever know what time it is in Arizona? [Also, remember when we weren't going to go to Arizona on our honeymoon because they are so racist? We totally backed down on that righteous front.   This is almost exactly like the time I wasn't going to have a diamond in my engagement ring and then I totally did. We're such jerks. But Sedona is Collin's favorite place and I've never seen the Grand Canyon! I'm sorry. And I was going to write a whole post about this but now I'm putting it in a parenthetical in a completely fluff post, which makes me an even bigger jerk.]

And speaking of complete fluff posts, I hope you weren’t expecting me to be all profound and topical and write excellent in-the-moment coverage of the insanity of Wedding Week.  Sadly, the insanity of Wedding Week precludes this.  And I must save all my profundity for my vows, which I have yet to write.  Yikes.




  1. Have an amazing week, wedding and honeymoon!!
    You have the months after the wedding to tell us about it all. Your job now is to soak it all in and enjoy!

  2. Robin, I hope everything is awesome for y’all this weekend! Happy wedding (and honeymoon) to you and Collin!

  3. Happy, happy, happy wedding weekend! Here, I’m adding MANY CAPITAL LETTERS AND EXCLAMATIONS AND A NONSENSICAL WORD TO CELEBRATE BECAUSE IT SEEMS APPROPRIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Robin, I’m de-lurking after following your blog with many vigorous nods of agreement, belly laughs, and tears for the last few months. Have a wonderful happy day, and I really hope you keep writing after this is all over! Yours is my fave wedding-related read after APW, and if I ever come to Pittsburgh, I want to take you out for shots.

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