


[Movie review tomorrow, even though Movie Review Tuesday is not alliterative.]

I just wrote a couple of thank you notes for birthday and graduation gifts and realized my handwriting, which has never been particularly neat, has reached a point of absurd illegibility.  My thank you notes looked like prescription pads. Written in Arabic.

I am seriously considering getting a pad of handwriting paper.  Maybe I should, after at least twenty years of disobedience, try to learn how to hold a pen correctly.

Otherwise, my friends and family can expect a lot of notes they will read as such:

D_|r Au^t D_^e,

Th(/ fo[ th_ lov[/ se| of  f{@twa[<.  C]]n an) I w]] th’n o{ y~) n_x[  ti^( w( h_st 21 di^^ lv{y se_^g y_u a{ t% w_dd|n&!


R@b,n & Co}]n


  1. thank you for the lovely set of f….

    that’s all i got!


  2. Thank you for the lovely set of flatware. Collin and i will think of you next time we host a dinner. Loved seeing you at the wedding.
    Robin and Collin

    I wonder why I can read that so easily…hmmmnmm

  3. ha ha I know what you mean. I took a message for my boss the other day and he actually sat down with me to reread what I had written to make sure he could read the note…oops

  4. Whatever. I was always told i should be a doctor cuz of my handwriting (harharhar, so funny after a million times!!! *grudgegrudge*) but I’m gonna still gonna write some notes. Its a thank you note – I’m sure they’ll get the general sentiment! :)

  5. Pingback: Questions Arising as I Address Save-the-Dates | HitchDied

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