
Ella, Ella, Eh Eh Eh


It is POURING right now.  I had planned a little self-congratulatory dress shopping (regular dress shopping, not wedding dress shopping) to celebrate filing my taxes and submitting my bar application in the same week, but the rain was so intense my fastest wiper speed wasn’t even cutting it, so I turned around and went home a few blocks into my journey.

And then I opened the wedding budget spreadsheet and added a new line item under apparel:  Extremely Fabulous Umbrella.  And started internet shopping, like you do.

I really like these umbrellas inspired by Tiffany lamps:

But I think it would feel more “me” if I dropped all pretenses of elegance:

That umbrella + some bright golashes = the best wedding gown accessories possible.

I’m glad last year’s Golden Globes illustrated how umbrellas can complement formalwear:

[I especially like how you can see the raindrops on her train!]

And my favorite, even though the dress sort of looks like a melting raspberry creamsicle:

[Golden Globe images all ganked from Go Fug Yourself, but re-hosted.  Click on images for source pages.]


  1. That i heart rain umbrella is so cute!

  2. I love the bright yellow umbrella in this wedding featured on snippet & ink last fall. It reads: “Merde. Il pleut.”

    Not sure where to find it, but wouldn’t a clear dome umbrella with that in black print be fantastic?!


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